Dark World

Core festival October/November with additional events throughout the year
Dublin Castle, additional venues

Soul Noir would like to thank our 2021 funder's Thank you for supporting the Gothic Arts in Ireland.
For full schedule of 2021 events/catalogue go to this link
Soul Noir 2021 was held in Dublin Castle in Bedford Tower, built in 1761, from October 31st - November 1st.
To echo these strange times, our theme for 2021 was DARK WORLD and was reflective on the pandemic (plague) states of being we find ourselves globally submerged in a symbolic, political and environmental way. DARK WORLD was an introspective oracle on how we live and survive.
Documentation by photographer Chad Alexander and Soul Noir. Thank you to everyone who came to the festival and to the artists themselves.
Our award winners were:
Audience Favourite - Michelle Harton
Best Emerging Artist - Brianna Hurley
Dark Heart Award - Daire Lynch
Best in Show - Isabella Oberlander
Our 2021 Festival artists were;
Ailbhe McDonagh
Ann Ensor
Breda Lynch
Brianna Hurley
Catherine Gavin
Conor Connolly
Cyril Helnwein
Daire Lynch
Dead Craftsman (please email soulnoirfestival@gmail.com for more info)
Diana Chambers
Fergus Byrne
GalleryX with Curator Giovanni Giusti
Isabella Oberlander
James Leane
Jordan Hutchins (please email soulnoirfestival@gmail.com for more info)
Michelle Harton
Miriam O’Connor
Moreau (please email soulnoirfestival@gmail.com for more info)
Orla Connolly & Jens Weber
Pat Byrne
Sean Fitzgerald
Susan MacWillliam
and The Hardliners (please email soulnoirfestival@gmail.com for more info)